Anda suka menggunakan browser mozilla firefox? berikut beberapa tips & trik menggunakan firefox untuk lebih efisien.

Keyboard Shortcuts
* Spacebar (scroll down on a page)
* Shift+Spacebar (scroll up on a page)
* Ctrl+F (find)
* Ctrl+D (bookmark the page)
* Ctrl+T (open a new tab)
* Ctrl+K (go to the search box)
* Ctrl+L (go to the address bar)
* Ctrl+ (increase text size)
* Ctrl+ (decrease text size)
* Ctrl+W (close tab)
* F5 (reload the page)
* F11 (view in full screen mode)
* Alt+Home (go to your preset home page)
* Home (move to the top of the page)
* End (move to the bottom of the page)

Tab Navigation
* Ctrl+Tab (rotate forward among tabs)
* Ctrl+Shft+Tab (rotate to the previous tab)
* Ctrl+1-9 (choose a number to jump to a specific tab)

Mouse Shortcuts
* Shift+scroll down (go to the previous page in that tab)
* Shift+scroll up (go to the next page in that tab)
* Ctrl+scroll up (decrease text size)
* Ctrl+scroll down (increase text size)

Auto Complete
Jika kita ingin membuka alamat di address bar kita ketikkan google saja lalu tekan Control-Enter maka otomatis akan menjadi Ingat trik ini hanya bisa jika alamat websitenya berawalan www dan berakhiran .com

Selamat Mencoba :D