Mozilla Museum (or the Mozilla zoo, if you prefer), It is a collection of pictures of Mozilla painted by Vincent van Mozh. Mozilla was the mascot of the Netscape company in the early days; he gradually went away, because he was scared of the pinstriped suits.
Legal note: Netscape does not condemn or approve these pages, but those pictures are probably copyrighted by them. "Mozilla" is a trademark of Netscape Communications Corporation.
- Mozilla, your pal
- Mozilla, the scientist
- Mozilla, the explorer
- Mozilla at work
- Mozilla's hobbies; see also the animated version
- Mozilla, the sportsman
- Mozilla in America
- Mozilla abroad
- Mozilla's top eight
- Encyclopedia Mozilla
- An animation with Mozilla
- Mozilla stomps IE
- Lots and lots of tiny Mozilla logos (page needs a lot of time to load)
- Netscape developers Website:
- Netscape ex-employees Website:
- The Book of Mozilla: 12:10 (Netscape 4.7), 7:15 (Mozilla 1.7 and Firefox 1.0 (more in wikipedia)
- Mozilla 27:14 – 22
- The Amazing Fishcam, another reminder from the early days.
- The original 1994 website of the Mosaic Communications Corporation, that quickly became Netscape (The old contents were re-uploaded in 2008!).
- The hidden features of Mozilla by Benoit Rigaut
- The 1St Internet Gallery of GIF Animation, (you'll need Mozilla 2.0 or higher to enjoy it)
- NaNcY's cat GIF animations
- Bug gallery:
- Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer:
- crash Netscape 4.0x on Windows by displaying this page and closing it!
- crash Netscape 4.7x for Windows & Mac by displaying this page!
- crash Netscape 4.* for Windows & Mac by displaying this page!
- and another! (inspired by
- CodeBitch’s Netscape 4 Crasher Pages
- CSS Bugs and Workarounds
- Web browsers - a mini-farce: BugTraq posting about problems with popular browsers
- Download old versions of Netscape
- Experience an old browser without installing it!
- Google Holiday Logos (Google is a company that is as cool today as Netscape was in 1994 / 1995!)
- Article from 28.1.2003: A riddle: Why does Netscape still exist?
crash Netscape 3 on Windows 95 or NT by printing this page!
(No crash with Netscape 4.5)